Management and Governance of the Organization:
RDS is giving highest priority on good governance, accountability and transparency according to the approved constitution of the organization, The constitution of the organization is prepared following all norms, regulations and democratic practice. All activities of the organization are running following the provision of the constitution.
Management Structure of RDS:
RDS has three tiers of organizational structure:
- General Body
- Executive Committee
- General Administration
a) General Body: The general body of RDS is comprised with 27 members (11 Female and 16 male) who are highly qualified and experienced. At least one General Meeting of general body is held annually. General Body approves the activities of the Executive Committee.
b) Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is elected by the members of General Body. It is comprised of 9 members. It is the supreme authority to formulate and frame policies and guidelines for well run the organization. List of executive committee members are given below:

c) General Administration:
The Executive Director is the administrative head of the organization and responsible for overall management, administration and finance of RDS as well as implementation of its different development program/projects and related activities with the help of professional staffs. Executive Director is accountable to the Executive Committee of the organization.
Staff Strength:
The total staff strength of RDS is 304 of which 170 are female and 134 are male. The proportion is 56% male and 44% female. 65% are engaged as permanent, 35% engaged in project activities . Out of total present manpower of the organization only 5.83% is engaged in administrative and support services.
Organogram of RDS: